Thursday, November 13, 2008

Using A Blog Reader

I normally subscribe to blogs that I like to follow through Bloglines. Then every morning I pull up the feeds and can quickly catch up on everyone.

This morning, it told me there were 1489 new messages. Now I suscribe to way less than 100 blogs, so I knew something must be up. Sure enough, a few of the blogs were showing 200 new messages. When I clicked on them, I realized that it was bringing up blog posts from up to 6 weeks ago. Some may have been older, but I didn't keep looking.

I just hopped on my laptop to check email and see if they had gotten it resolved. The message the Bloglines site was that the site was down temporarily. Hopefully they will be back to their regular "programming" soon.

I knew I was behind on this, but 1489 messages.....I don't think so.

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