Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nourishing Our Families

For several years now, our family has been on a journey to eat healthier, to use products that are less harmful to our bodies and our environment. Several months ago I ran across a website, run by a lady that was eating the way we are and it had several helpful tips and ideas.

More recently, she sent out a message that she had set up a forum to discuss these various aspects of nutrition, cooking, health and overall lifestyle. You may have heard of the cookbook called Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. The name of the forum is Nourishing Our Families.

The link is http://www.nourishingourfamilies.org/community/

Many of the ideas are from the Weston A. Price Foundation. Hope you find something useful.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Case of the Missing Movie - Found!

Well my plan for the week was to purge the house and in the process find the movie.....My daughter was looking in the entertainment center for a movie and lo and behold, the CARS movie, missing since February turned up..

It seems that it got turned backwards so the spine was black instead of the movie name showing on the spine and it was at the end of the row of DVDs so we couldn't see it. I guess that we would have eventually found it this week, after pulling out all of the movies. I still need to purge the house, one room at a time, but I think tonight we'll pop some popcorn and watch CARS again!

I'm sure there is something else that I don't even know is lost will turn up. Wish me luck. The house needs to be pared down. I just wish I had the motivation to get going. Once I get something done, that will help me keep going. Last time I did this, we had taken 2 weeks off of school at Christmas, but we extended it another week because I was getting so much accomplished, I didn't want to stop.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Glenda tagged me, so I will jump in...haven't been tagged before, so here goes, the seven things I have learned:

1. Bringing home two 8 week old puppies and you aren't prepared for them, takes a lot of paper towels (especially in a blizzard, when they can't be outside)!

2. Papers and junk mail multiply like rabbits if you don't deal with them immediately.

3. There is always room for chocolate.

4. It's perfectly normal to keep a secret stash of chocolate! Just ask most of my friends!

5. Sometimes God brings you a new friend and you feel like you have known her forever and better than your own sisters.

6. Raising kids is a hard job. Pass the chocolate!

7. The older I get, the faster time moves.

Gotta tag somebody! How about Polly, Lora, and Barb? Ready to hear more about you!

Missing Movie Update

I called the lady whose house I thought we left the movie at. She doesn't have it and as I talked more with kids, we realized that we did have it here at the house the next month. So I am back to needing to look high and low in the unexpected places now, since it didn't turn up in the expected places. Bummer! I'll let you know if and when we find it.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Case of the Missing Movie

If you have read my previous posts, you know that we like the CARS movie a lot. It is just cute! Every time we watch it we catch something else. We bought it and watched it a number of times prior to Christmas. We had Tom's parents over to watch it one night and then watched it again the day of the twins' birthday in January with my parents. They had been wanting to see it and what better to do on a cold January day? Four days later, my husband was to speak in Des Moines at a conference and all of our babysitting plans were falling through. Tom's mom suggested we ask her cousin who lived about 15 miles away (and on our way to the conference).

We thought she might enjoy the movie and so we took it along for she and the kids to watch. Several weeks later, my sister came to visit and her three year old son asked to watch the CARS movie and I couldn't find it anywhere. I thought perhaps it was in the vehicle. We travel a lot and the kids watch movies on the portable DVD players that Tom's folks got them for long car trips. Nope, not there either.

I have been wracking my brain as to where it might be. Tonight after we got the kids to bed, my youngest came out and said " I think I know where the cars movie is!" Then it dawned on me, that she is probably right. I will be calling her tomorrow and seeing if the lost is found. I'll give you an update. I really hated to buy another copy when I knew it had to be around somewhere. Keep your fingers crossed, okay?

Summer School

Anyone planning some summer school?

We will be doing a few things. Some are things that we didn't get finished up with this school year, some that we didn't get to and some that we would have liked to add in but didn't have time.

Since switching math curriculums at the beginning of last year from Saxon to Math U See, I feel the need to move a little further forward before this fall comes around. I backed up a little to make sure the kids understood how this curriculum was taught before heading into the higher levels. Two of the kids will be working to be close to starting the next level this fall. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, as long as we continue to work on it a little this summer.

We want to finish up Story of the World 2 this summer, so we can jump into Story of the World 3 this fall. I am excited to start SOTW 3 with all the explorers and frontiersmen/women. We live in an area where we can visit (literally) tons of Lewis and Clark sites and Laura Ingalls Wilder sites. We have already amassed quite a collection of Lewis and Clark books and related information as well as supplemental materials for the Little House books. We plan to loosely follow the Prairie Primer, which I recently purchased. One of my daughters is going to begin sewing this summer, so she plans to make frontier dresses, etc for she and her sister.

We plan to finish up the school year this coming Friday (May 25), and then take a break for 2 weeks. My husband and I will attend our state's two day homeschool conference and the kids will spend the weekend with their grandparents in Nebraska (a treat for them, as well as us - a weekend away alone). We always enjoy meeting other homeschooling parents and listening to inspiring speakers. We always come away renewed and ready to begin another year of homeschooling.

Our summer school session looks to be long on fun and short on formal lessons. I need a break of sorts during the summer to be ready to start into the school year. We may try to start school a little earlier and work in some week long breaks a few times. Last year, we started a week later than I had planned due to my grandmother's funeral and then worked straight through to Christmas. The plan was a 2 week Christmas break, but it turned into 3 weeks, as I went about decluttering the house (necessary after a December birthday, Christmas and 2 January birthdays in the span of 5 weeks). I hope to declutter again on our two week break. It seems to help me get things in balance (at least mentally).

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day at my House

Hope all you Moms out there enjoyed your Mother's Day! I awoke to shouts of Happy Mothers Day from my three kids and 3 varieties of candy bars! They know how much I love chocolate. I got a York Peppermint Patty, a Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate bar and a Hershey's Cookies and Cream bar. I will be enjoying those this week. My son made me a card in Sunday school and my daughter gave me one before church. They'll be going into the scrapbook. My other daughter made me 16 coupons for hugs, kisses, love and help around the house. How neat is that?

My dear husband spoiled me and got me two pair of Rockies black jeans from the local western store and a dressy western shirt. After church today, my folks came out from Nebraska and we enjoyed dinner and later, after we looked around the farm, enjoyed spice cake and vanilla ice cream. None of my 3 sisters could come out today, but 2 of the 3 called to wish Mom a happy Mother's Day and I found out that the other sister called them at home, so it was nice for my folks to get to talk to all of us today.

My folks hadn't been to visit since January, so we spent time playing with the puppies, the bottle lambs, the rest of the sheep, the cattle and the horses (and don't forget the llamas... yes they are supposed to guard the sheep...we'll see how that works out). My mom brought along the local newspapers from back home and I got to read about all the tornado damage that happened last weekend near them and my sister who lives about 25 miles away. The pictures were incredible!

Picnic food, cake and ice cream, and 3 chocolate bars just for me! Does it get much better?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Favorite Movies

We aren't big into movies, but do enjoy action adventure movies mostly. Here are our favorites off the top of my head:

1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. Chronicles of Narnia
3. Hunt for Red October
4. National Treasure
5. Diehard series
6. Steven Seagall movies
7. The Fugitive (and most Harrison Ford movies)
8. Midway
9. CARS of course
10. The Notebook

Would love to hear your favorites. Who knows, maybe someone will suggest a movie that we love. We are so far behind in watching new movies, we need some good suggestions, okay?