Sunday, March 11, 2012

Losing Sleep Over the Time Change

Given that it happens twice a year, everyone should be used to it, but we aren't.  I prefer the time change in the fall, where time falls back and I gain an extra hour of blessed sleep. In the spring, well, not so much.  Thursday I came down with a bad cold and it continued to make me miserable all day Friday.  I fell into bed at 8:30 p.m and CRASHED, waking up at 8:30 Saturday morning.  I felt a ton better and went about my day.

When Saturday night rolled around, we dutifully set our clocks forward the hour, as much as we hated it, and went to bed at a normal hour.  Low and behold, I had slept so much the night before that I could not go to sleep.  As in not fall asleep until after 1:00 p.m.

So while, I was thankful for getting much needed rest and it made me feel tons better, losing out on a couple hours sleep the next night wasn't as much fun as it could be.  Thankfully we got to church on time this morning and life continues on.  I am thankful for the time change, in that there are more hours of light finally and that means more nights and time to walk with my neighbor.  I so enjoy walking with her and our visits.  Not to mention I feel better when I get several walks in per week and it keeps me from going to the chiropractor.

I wouldn't have thought the time change would have disrupted me as much as it did, but I guess you can always learn something new.

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