Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My New Blog Background

Let me know what you think of my new blog background!

I found the background on www.thecutestblogontheblock.com

The 3 column backgrounds are free and then you can pay to have them create a header and personalize it for you. They have lots so if you would like to change yours check them out. They have step by step directions and say that your posts and links will not be lost. That held true in my case. They have 350 blog backgrounds and I found at least 4 that I thought would work for me.

If you have any experience with scheduling posts in Blogger, please let me know. I can't seem to figure that out. I tend to write a number of posts when I sit down and would to be a more regular blogger. I have been doing lots of scrapbooking and would like to photograph my layouts and then share those through the week instead of all at once, and then nothing......

I am also looking at starting a blog related to our business and hope to get on a schedule of blogging there 3 times per week. So the scheduling thing would be really great for me.


Cheryl said...

Kristi, to schedule a post just click on "post options" at the bottom of the compose box. It will give you places to enter date, time, etc., and you can enter the date of your choice (including any date in the future)!

Hope this helps.

Kristi said...

Thanks, I knew it should be an easy thing to do, but couldn't figure it out. This will help.