Saturday, November 17, 2007

Interesting article on vaccination requirements

With so much going on with our nation's health these days (obesity epidemics, hypertension, high cholestrol and diabetes in kids, etc.), informed parents are questioning blanket recommendations for vaccinations. The jury is still out on their safety at least in what I have read.

Many believe the huge amount of vaccinations young children get have ties to the huge increase in autism and autism spectrum disorders (Aspergers, ADD, etc). The incidence of autism is now 1 in 166, which should alarm everyone. The new book by Jenny McCarthy, I believe, speaks to this as well. I heard her interview on Larry King Live a while back. Her book is linked here:

The Crunchy Con blog has a post written today on the subject which is worth reading. Regular columnist Rod Dreher is taking a little vacation and has Erin Manning as his guest columnist/blogger. You can read a little about her from a post earlier today called Welcome Erin Manning at his blog.

Here is the link to her post:

I would love to hear your thoughts on it. It reminds me of the myriad of other public programs/mandates that have very private consequences. Please share your other examples.

1 comment:

Genuine Lustre said...

That alarms me. I think it's criminal.