Monday, December 10, 2007

A Place to Declutter Toys

I read about a unique way to swap toys on one of the blogs that I frequent. I must preface the rest of this post, with the fact in our house, we celebrate all our three children's birthdays in a span of 5 weeks, with Christmas smack dab in the middle. About November, I start sorting through the toys, etc. trying to purge down a number that we can live with, knowing that there will be more things coming into the house. As they are getting older, there aren't as many toys coming into our home and gifts are more useful, or part of a collection (not toy collection).

At any rate, I have used a similar site for books called Paperback Swap, which recently introduced Swap a DVD and also has Swap a CD.

The two sites that I just found out about are:
Toy Swap
Toys to Trade

Of course, a simpler alternative would be to organize a toy swap in your area. No one has to pay shipping and you can check out the condition of the toy before you buy it. I think I might try to do that next year.

In the same vein, our homeschool group organized a clothing swap prior to one of our meetings earlier this year. It was highly successful and what was left was donated to charity. With the price of everything going through the roof these days, it's great to see so many resourceful people come up with ideas like these.

I have heard of people having good luck with Freecycle and Craig's List, but given the rural area we live in, it doesn't work well for us.


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