Thursday, December 6, 2007

Remembering Our Troops

My sister just sent me a link to the most moving YouTube video. She had warned me to have a box of Kleenexes handy and boy was she right. Please share this with your circle of influence that people don't forget our loved ones serving abroad.

Here is the link:

This was put together by a 15 year old girl named Lizzie Palmer and it has been getting huge amounts of hits.

It would be nice if my readers would post in the comments and list those they love and others they know that we might be able to remember them specifically in our prayers.

1 comment:

Genuine Lustre said...

Two Lutheran boys we know, sons of friends, both Marines:
Wade Shipman
Spencer Carr

And Air Natl Guardsman, Tim Gribble ( we used to know him as Timmy!), deploying in May.